Challenged to Change
Russ and I are originally South African. The farming bug bit Russ as a child in Zimbabwe, where his family were raising cattle on big cattle ranches. After living in the United States for many years and raising 4 beautiful children, we decided to get up and go farming. We moved from the suburbs of Atlanta to Madison, Georgia, in 2007, with the sole purpose of raising and producing, pasture raised meats, eggs and cheeses. As city slickers ourselves the challenge to change our lifestyle and our food source was great. We encourage you if you feel challenged to change the way you eat and buy your food to look at not only the products we produce but the growing number of vegetable and dairy products being produced on our local farms in Georgia. Listed below are the products we produce and how we do it. I encourage you to go Jo Robinson’s website, to get some very comprehensive information and health benefits associated with grassfed animals.
The transparency of our farm is key to Russ and me. You can come and see how your food is grown at any time. Bring your camera if you like. We encourage you to visit the farms you buy from.
Artisanal Cheeses
Our cow’s milk cheeses are made from raw, grass fed, Jersey milk. We do not milk the cows ourselves, but are fortunate enough to have a dairyman as a neighbor, who milks his Jerseys solely for us. We fetch the milk in a portable bulk tank and pump and strain that mik straight into our cheese vat. As the milk is raw, Georgia requires us to age the cheese for a minimum of 60 days. The high fat in the Jersey milk ensures a wonderful creaminess and flavor. We make a range of Goudas, Gruyeres, Fetas, Blue cheeses, Tommes, Romanos and Edams. Sold by the pound these cheeses are suitable for both everyday sandwiches or a special cheese board. We also have cheese gift boxes listed. Look for the scheduled cheese/pairing days to enjoy an afternoon with us and all things cheesy or come out to the farm and try some you like or something new.
Grassfed Beef
Cows are ruminants and do not need to eat grains. Growing them on grass means we have to grow them longer to gain weight, but the result is worth the effort. Grassfed beef is naturally lower in fat and hence also lower in calories. Grassfed meats have 2-4 times the amount of Omega 3 fatty acids than grain fed meat. Meat and dairy products from grass-fed ruminants are the richest known source of another type of good fat called "conjugated linoleic acid" or CLA. Not to mention the higher rates of Vitamin D and E, which are an obvious benefit of green grass and sunshine.
We use MIG (management intensive grazing) methods to ensure our cows are eating well and they are improving the quality of our pastures. We use a combination of Jersey, Hereford, and Angus breeds.
Grassfed Lamb
Our lambs are Khatadin/Dorper cross. These guys follow on after the beef on the pastures and are a wonderful addition to the farm. Being from the southern hemisphere ourselves we love lamb. We have noticed how the demand for good lamb has increased in the years that we have been farming. Khatadin lamb is mild flavored and tender.
Pasture Raised Pork
We breed our own pork here on the farm. We use 2 heritage breeds, Berkshire and Tamworth. These breeds still have many breeding, farrowing and foraging instincts that the commercial breeds no longer have. Pigs are raised in the woods and on pasture. They are fed unmedicated grains and whey from our cheese making facility. Whey finished pork is very desirable, flavorful and tender. They forage for roots, acorns and pecans.
Free Range eggs
We use 3 breeds of brown egg layers and the green shelled eggs are from the Araucanas. Layers are on the pasture 365 days of the year. They lay in 2 mobile laying houses and have 60 acres to range on. Needless to say they eat their fair share of bugs and grass. Our girls are fed unmedicated grains and whey from the creamery as well. Our eggs are in very high demand.
Stewing Hens
After 2 years of laying, the layers are not as productive anymore. It is then that we process these birds and offer them to you as stewing hens. Rich, flavorful meat, these chickens are ideal for coq au vin, soups, stocks and pot pies.